Merry Christmas
and a healthy and happy year 2021
The Christmas season is filled with magic, laughter and warmth.
But most of all it’s about time spent with the family, slowing down and focusing on the things that truly matter.
Values that have accompanied us all throughout 2020.
We hope you and your loved ones are healthy and will stay in good health.
We wish you to keep the Christmas spirit alive and to always make time for the people and things that matter the most.
May all the good things stay well, and may everything that can improve get better.
We say thank you
Thank you for the trust you have placed in us and for the good cooperation.
Thank you for the joint successes and the valuable talks.
We are looking forward into a common 2021 with you as our partner!

We donate

This year, we resign from sending Christmas greetings with fine chocolate and instead donate to two initiatives - one local and one global.
For the good cause and a warm heart.
Familienkreis e.V.
With our Christmas donation, we are helping to ensure that parents and children from the city of Bonn who were already disadvantaged before the pandemic are now not left even further behind. Connected to the region, we want to take responsibility and support poorer families, single parents, families with mental and chronic diseases or lacking language skills.
WWF #ActforAmazonia

We donate to the protection of the Amazon rainforest and the preservation of its impressive biodiversity. The rainforest stores greenhouse gases in its plants and soil, thus lowering their proportion in the atmosphere. By preserving the Amazon, we are also making an important contribution against global warming.

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